“Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində təlim tədris kurslarına start verir 03.10.2017
Azerbaijani scientist took part in an international event on the study of Juniper trees 02.10.2017
"Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində tərcüməçi kurslarina start verir 28.09.2017
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic “Science Foundation” Research is pleased to announce a competition for funding for projects and other scientific activities 27.09.2017
Zoologiya İnstitutu şəkər çuğundurunun yığımına başlayıb 26.09.2017
Academician Ibrahim Guliyev delivered a paper at the International conference in Bulgaria 25.09.2017
Announced "Mother tongue - our national wealth" contest 23.09.2017
ANAS held opening of the "Guest House" 19.09.2017
Amultiplication technology of medical leech is developed in laboratory conditionsfirstlyat the Applied Zoology Center in the Republic 19.09.2017
Action Plan on implementation of "State Program" Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021" 15.09.2017
A meeting was held at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS devoted to the 15th day of September –the Knowledge Day 14.09.2017
ANAS officials attended I Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Science and Technology 13.09.2017
ANAS to be held event devoted to the Knowledge Day 13.09.2017
ANAS Institute of Botany to be cooperate with the US Botanic Gardens Society, USA 08.09.2017
COMSTECH will award researchers who have achieved great success in the field of science and technology for 2017 07.09.2017
The Institute of Zoology of ANAS has assisted poor families
“Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində təlim tədris kurslarına start verir 03.10.2017
Azerbaijani scientist took part in an international event on the study of Juniper trees 02.10.2017
"Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində tərcüməçi kurslarina start verir 28.09.2017
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic “Science Foundation” Research is pleased to announce a competition for funding for projects and other scientific activities 27.09.2017
Zoologiya İnstitutu şəkər çuğundurunun yığımına başlayıb 26.09.2017
Academician Ibrahim Guliyev delivered a paper at the International conference in Bulgaria 25.09.2017
Announced "Mother tongue - our national wealth" contest 23.09.2017
ANAS held opening of the "Guest House" 19.09.2017
Amultiplication technology of medical leech is developed in laboratory conditionsfirstlyat the Applied Zoology Center in the Republic 19.09.2017
Action Plan on implementation of "State Program" Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021" 15.09.2017
A meeting was held at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS devoted to the 15th day of September –the Knowledge Day 14.09.2017
ANAS officials attended I Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Science and Technology 13.09.2017
ANAS to be held event devoted to the Knowledge Day 13.09.2017
ANAS Institute of Botany to be cooperate with the US Botanic Gardens Society, USA 08.09.2017
COMSTECH will award researchers who have achieved great success in the field of science and technology for 2017 07.09.2017
The Institute of Zoology of ANAS has assisted poor families