History of the Library

Library of the Institute of Zoology


The library of the Institute of Zoology (ANAS), founded in 1938, is one of the richest libraries. The first head of the library was S. Zeynalov, then T.Garibova was appointed. S. Aliyeva had worked as the head of the library from 1973 to 2014. Currently, V.Mammadova is working at this position. 

The scientific library of the Institute, performing education and information functions, providing researchers, teachers and students with scientific, literary and other materials from the library fund has a tremendous help in training for the institutions and universities in the country. In the library has more than 10,000 materials in Azerbaijani, Russian, English and other languages. 950 books of them are in English. Currently, the library fund has 441 copies of dissertation works on Biology.

The scientific library of the Institute is working in close cooperation with both research institutions and higher educational institutions of the republic and foreign institutions and universities.

The library is getting 5 different types of print media by subscription at the same time. (Р.Ж. Ихтиология, Р.Ж. Энтомология, Р.Ж. Зоология общая. Зоология беспозвоночных, Р.Ж. Териология, Р.Ж. Гидробиология).

The library has been revised by the Commission, founded under the direction of the Institute in 2015. Books, having lost their scientific value, marketability were replaced with new editions.