Actions within the concept of the National terminological information system to be carried out
Republican scientific-practical seminar “AzScienceNet: state-of-the-art condition, opportunities and prospects of development" to be held
"Professor of ANAS" academic title established
A lecture on "The World of Fizuli" to be held in ANAS
Central Scientific Library organized an exhibition dedicated to 20 January tragedy
Azerbaijani scientists participated at the international conference devoted to Saib Tabrizi’s creativity in Iran
ANAS President got acquainted with the process of passing the exam in English
The strategic road map promoting transformation of economic growth into economic development
Order of the President of the Republic Azerbaijan on holding the 300th anniversary of great Azerbaijani poet Molla Panah Vagif
ANAS declared elections to the post of director of scientific research institutions
AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunda doktoranturaya qəbul imtahanı keçirildi
ANAS held a musical lecture dedicated to the outstanding composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli
ANAS President familiarized with the exam process of masters
Next guest of the scientific-journalistic program "Science and Innovation" will be Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov
AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunun Zooloji Muzeyində “Mən bir ağac əkmişəm” lahiyəsinin iştirakçılarına təlim keçirildi
IELTS-dən yüksək bal toplayan gənc əməkdaşlarımızı təbrik edirik

Actions within the concept of the National terminological information system to be carried out

Republican scientific-practical seminar “AzScienceNet: state-of-the-art condition, opportunities and prospects of development" to be held

"Professor of ANAS" academic title established

A lecture on "The World of Fizuli" to be held in ANAS

Central Scientific Library organized an exhibition dedicated to 20 January tragedy

Azerbaijani scientists participated at the international conference devoted to Saib Tabrizi’s creativity in Iran

ANAS President got acquainted with the process of passing the exam in English

The strategic road map promoting transformation of economic growth into economic development

Order of the President of the Republic Azerbaijan on holding the 300th anniversary of great Azerbaijani poet Molla Panah Vagif

ANAS declared elections to the post of director of scientific research institutions

AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunda doktoranturaya qəbul imtahanı keçirildi

ANAS held a musical lecture dedicated to the outstanding composer Uzeyir Hajibeyli

ANAS President familiarized with the exam process of masters

Next guest of the scientific-journalistic program "Science and Innovation" will be Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov

AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunun Zooloji Muzeyində “Mən bir ağac əkmişəm” lahiyəsinin iştirakçılarına təlim keçirildi

IELTS-dən yüksək bal toplayan gənc əməkdaşlarımızı təbrik edirik