French scientists: Guba burial is a living example for bringing to the world community the true face of Armenian nationalists
The scientific activity of registered candidates for ANAS DBMS active members and corresponding members
1st Azerbaijan-Russia joint international grant competition announced
“2+”-ci Azərbaycan-Belarus birgə beynəlxalq qrant müsabiqəsi elan olunub
“2+”-ci Azərbaycan-Belarus birgə beynəlxalq qrant müsabiqəsi elan olunub
Presentation held at the ANAS in connection with the DAAD program
Employees of the Institute of Zoology organized an expedition to Agsu region
The indices of ANAS grow in the leading scientific and information bases of the world
Next edition of “Science and Innovation” scientific-publicist program broadcasted
Science Development Foundation announced competition for "Scientist of 2016"
AMEA Rəyasət Heyəti "Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının professoru" elmi adı almaq üçün müsabiqə elan etmişdir
Information about active and corresponding membership of ANAS
"Targeted Research and Development Initiatives 2017-2018" contest is announced
Tonality analysis of text allows estimating the emotional structure data users in social networks
ANAS President sent a congratulatory letter to First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva
"Magistrate 2017" competition to be held in ANAS

French scientists: Guba burial is a living example for bringing to the world community the true face of Armenian nationalists

The scientific activity of registered candidates for ANAS DBMS active members and corresponding members

1st Azerbaijan-Russia joint international grant competition announced

“2+”-ci Azərbaycan-Belarus birgə beynəlxalq qrant müsabiqəsi elan olunub

“2+”-ci Azərbaycan-Belarus birgə beynəlxalq qrant müsabiqəsi elan olunub

Presentation held at the ANAS in connection with the DAAD program

Employees of the Institute of Zoology organized an expedition to Agsu region

The indices of ANAS grow in the leading scientific and information bases of the world

Next edition of “Science and Innovation” scientific-publicist program broadcasted

Science Development Foundation announced competition for "Scientist of 2016"

AMEA Rəyasət Heyəti "Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyasının professoru" elmi adı almaq üçün müsabiqə elan etmişdir

Information about active and corresponding membership of ANAS

"Targeted Research and Development Initiatives 2017-2018" contest is announced

Tonality analysis of text allows estimating the emotional structure data users in social networks

ANAS President sent a congratulatory letter to First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva

"Magistrate 2017" competition to be held in ANAS