International scientific seminar on "Development of scientific relations, dialogue and cooperation to a new stage" to be held 12.12.2016
Scientific dignity pilgrimaged national leader’s grave 09.12.2016
IELTS-dən yüksək bal toplayan gənc əməkdaşlarımızı təbrik edirik 09.12.2016
"Elm TV”-nin hazırladığı sənədli film İctimai kanalda yayımlanacaq 08.12.2016
AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunda Elmi Şuranın növbəti iclası keçirilib 08.12.2016
ANAS established to set up Anti-Pseudoscience Commission 08.12.2016
The great phase of ANAS development is connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev 07.12.2016
Appointed Director of the Limited Liability Company "Park of High Technologies of ANAS" 07.12.2016
Appointed director of a Limited Liability Company "Park of Science and Technology of ANAS" 06.12.2016
Birhüceyrəlilər mikroaləmi haqqında bilmədiklərimiz 06.12.2016
A seminar in the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS 06.12.2016
A seminar in the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS on "Innovation and the commercialization of science" 06.12.2016
Next edition of "Science and Innovation" scientific-journalistic program to be broadcasted 06.12.2016
ANAS organized doctoral examinations on philosophy 06.12.2016
An educational workshop by “Thomson Reuters" organization 05.12.2016
AMEA-da alman və fransız dillərindən doktorluq imtahanları keçirilib
International scientific seminar on "Development of scientific relations, dialogue and cooperation to a new stage" to be held 12.12.2016
Scientific dignity pilgrimaged national leader’s grave 09.12.2016
IELTS-dən yüksək bal toplayan gənc əməkdaşlarımızı təbrik edirik 09.12.2016
"Elm TV”-nin hazırladığı sənədli film İctimai kanalda yayımlanacaq 08.12.2016
AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunda Elmi Şuranın növbəti iclası keçirilib 08.12.2016
ANAS established to set up Anti-Pseudoscience Commission 08.12.2016
The great phase of ANAS development is connected with the name of Heydar Aliyev 07.12.2016
Appointed Director of the Limited Liability Company "Park of High Technologies of ANAS" 07.12.2016
Appointed director of a Limited Liability Company "Park of Science and Technology of ANAS" 06.12.2016
Birhüceyrəlilər mikroaləmi haqqında bilmədiklərimiz 06.12.2016
A seminar in the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS 06.12.2016
A seminar in the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS on "Innovation and the commercialization of science" 06.12.2016
Next edition of "Science and Innovation" scientific-journalistic program to be broadcasted 06.12.2016
ANAS organized doctoral examinations on philosophy 06.12.2016
An educational workshop by “Thomson Reuters" organization 05.12.2016
AMEA-da alman və fransız dillərindən doktorluq imtahanları keçirilib