The employees of the Hydrobiology Laboratory went on an expedition to the Kuraghzi part of the Caspian Sea and the Lower Kura area
MSE RA Institute of Zoology and the Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic named after academician N.P. Laverov of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences signed an agereement
An employee of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates was on an expedition in Zangilan region
The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the MSERA Institute of Zoology was held
The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held
Rusiyalı alimlər Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikasında ekspedisiyada olublar
Institute of Zoology holds Doctoral (minimum) examinations of doctoral students and dissertators
The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held
Employees of the scientific secretary of the Institute of Zoology visited the cities of Lachin and Shusha on an expedition
«Бакинский рабочий» newspaper elucidated the international scientific-practical conference held by the Institute of Zoology
Employees of the Hydrobiology laboratory visited the Bandovan area of the Caspian Sea on an expedition
Institute of Zoology held a meeting dedicated to the Liberation Day
The opening ceremony of the international scientific-practical conference on "Disturbances in the functioning of ecosystems due to global climate changes and ways to eliminate them" was held
The scientific-practical conference on "Disturbances in the functioning of ecosystems due to global climate changes and ways to eliminate them" continues in sections
The scientific-practical conference on "Disturbances in the functioning of ecosystems due to global climate changes and ways to eliminate them" completed its work

The employees of the Hydrobiology Laboratory went on an expedition to the Kuraghzi part of the Caspian Sea and the Lower Kura area

MSE RA Institute of Zoology and the Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic named after academician N.P. Laverov of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences signed an agereement

An employee of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates was on an expedition in Zangilan region

The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held

The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the MSERA Institute of Zoology was held

The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held

Rusiyalı alimlər Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikasında ekspedisiyada olublar

Institute of Zoology holds Doctoral (minimum) examinations of doctoral students and dissertators

The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held

Employees of the scientific secretary of the Institute of Zoology visited the cities of Lachin and Shusha on an expedition

«Бакинский рабочий» newspaper elucidated the international scientific-practical conference held by the Institute of Zoology

Employees of the Hydrobiology laboratory visited the Bandovan area of the Caspian Sea on an expedition

Institute of Zoology held a meeting dedicated to the Liberation Day

The opening ceremony of the international scientific-practical conference on "Disturbances in the functioning of ecosystems due to global climate changes and ways to eliminate them" was held

The scientific-practical conference on "Disturbances in the functioning of ecosystems due to global climate changes and ways to eliminate them" continues in sections

The scientific-practical conference on "Disturbances in the functioning of ecosystems due to global climate changes and ways to eliminate them" completed its work