1036 Archive


The next meeting of the Scientific Seminar was held under the Dissertation Council

On October 27, 2023, the next meeting of the Scientific Seminar was held at the MSE Institute of Zoology. The dissertation of Sultanova Yegana Aligulu gizi, PhD student of V. Y. Akhundov Scientific Research Medical Prophylactic Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, titled "The modern situation of the mosquito fauna in the southeast of Azerbaijan and their role in the transmission of abroviruses" was discussed in a Scientific Seminar under the Dissertation Council. The scientific supervisor of the dissertation work is Akif Ayyub oglu Salehov, Doctor of Medical Sciences.

At the end of the discussion, taking into account the scientific and practical importance of the dissertation work, Sultanova Yegana Aligulu gizi's dissertation topic entitled "The modern situation of the mosquito fauna in the Southeast of Azerbaijan and their role in the transmission of abroviruses"  was considered appropriate to submit to the next stage of scientific discussions, as it met the requirements set by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for doctoral dissertations in order to receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology.