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An employee of the Institute of Zoology was awarded a copyright certificate

Researcher of the Terrestrial Vertebrate Laboratory of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS Sevinj Radjabova was awarded a copyright certificate by Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan for her work “Application of modern environmental protection equipment (GPS bags) for the effective protection of rare and endangered birds in Azerbaijan”.

Sevinj Rajabova noted that, for better and more precisely studying the birds and their location, the signaling GPS collars have been placed between their feathers (neck or back) according to the size of each bird and it is possible to obtain more accurate results based on their signals. Due to the use of modern protection equipment (GPS collars), the biology and lifestyle of rare and endangered birds will be studied in Azerbaijan, and an action plan will be developed to protect and preserve their offspring. The world-wide species among these ones contributes to the widespread recognition of Azerbaijan by the world countries and the development of tourism in this area, creating the basis for the creation of new programs, videos, movies, etc. in the media.

For this reason, the effective conservation of rare and endangered birds in Azerbaijan through modern environmental protection equipment (GPS collars) will be one of the purposeful measures to protect biodiversity.