The director of the Institute of Zoology of the Russian Academy of Sciences was a guest at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS
On July 29, 2022, director of the Institute of Zoology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikita Chernetsov, Associate Member of RAS, met with Acting Director of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, PhD in Agrarian sciences, Associate Professor Aladdin Eyvazov and a number of employees of the institute. The purpose of N. Chernetsov's visit to the Institute was the exchange of books based on the negotiations between the Department of International Relations of the Institute of Zoology and the library of the RAS Institute of Zoology. During the meeting, information was provided about the activities of both institutes, and a number of proposals were put forward to reinforce scientific cooperation relations. Corresponding member Nikita Chernetsova was presented the books published by the management of the Institute of Zoology in recent years. In addition, according to the official letter addressed from the library of the RAS Institute of Zoology, a number of publications in the library of the Institute of Zoology were sent to that library.
After the meeting, corresponding member Nikita Chernetsov and his family got acquainted with the exhibits in the museum of the Institute of Zoology.