Institute of Zoology held the attestation of the doctoral students and dissertators
On April 19, 2022, the attestation of doctoral students and dissertators for the next year was held at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS. In accordance with the work plan of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS for 2022, attestation of doctoral students and dissertators studying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Sciences is keen to be held in April, May and November.
For the purpose of attestation of doctoral students and dissertators, the Attestation Commission was established by the order No. 111k dated March 18, 2022 by Aladdin Eyvazov, PhD in Agrarian Sciences, Acting Director General of the Institute of Zoology (Chairman: Dr.Biology, Assoc. Prof. E.Ahmadov, secretary: PhD in Biology G.Nadirova, members: Dr. Biology, Assoc. Prof. G.Fataliyev, Dr.Biology, Assoc. Prof. N.Snegovaya, PhD in Biology docent B.Ahmadov).
Doctoral students and dissertators on various topics reported on their research work during the research year. They provided detailed information about the work envisaged in the individual work plans, participation in conferences and expeditions, published articles, and responded questions.
Finally, members of the attestation commission expressed their suggestions and recommendations to doctoral students and dissertators.