Professor Tofig Mikayılov- 85
Today, the former chief of the "Parasitology" department and laboratory of "Parasites of marine animals", Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor Tofig Karrar Mikayilov's 85-th anniversary was celebrated in the Institute of Zoology. At the meeting, Director of the Institute of Microbiology, academician Mammad Salmanov, director of the Institute of Zoology, corresponding member I.Kh.Alakbarov and scientists of the Institute have commemorated teacher Tofig, have spoken about their long-term memories, great man, head of family, a sincere friend, worker and his other high human qualities, as well as being a great scientist.
T.K.Mikayılov was born in Aghdam city in 15.01.1931. In 1952 he has graduated from the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Veterinary, in 1953 he has admitted to post graduate course on parasitology of the Institute of Zoology, he has defended candidate dissertation on "Parasites of commercial fishes of Kur" (1958), doctoral dissertation on "Parasites of fishes in water reservoirs of Azerbaijan (taxonomy, dynamics and origins )" (1969) and he has received he title of professor in 1972.
For the first time, parasitic fauna of fishes in water reservoirs of Azerbaijan has been studied in detail by T.K.Mikayılov, he has also conducted extensive research on the formation of species composition of parasites, ecology, zoogeography, fauna. As new for science 2 genera and 26 species have been determined and described. The scientific school of Hydroparasitologs, which is created by him has become one of well-known scientific centers in the near and far abroad for its scientific research affairs. More than 200 scientific works, including 7 monographs, 3 books have been published by T.K.Mikayilov. Professor has supervised 6 doctors of science and more than 20 Doctor of Philosophy. He has been the winner of the State Prize of Azerbaijan in 1991, he has been awarded with medals "For Labor Distinction" and "Taraggi".