Giyas Naghi oglu Guliyev

Head of Dry Invertebrate Laboratory


  Place of birth: The Republic of Azerbaijan, Neftchala r-nu, Ashaghi Gramanli village
  Date of birth: 14.03.1947
  Higher Education Institution: Azerbaijan State University
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences,Assistant professor
Scientific Rank:
  Title of PhD dissertation:
Specialty Code: 2401.01
Name of Specialty: Zoology
Title of the Topic: Comparative karyology of rural mice belonging to Microtinae subspecies (cytotoxonomy and evolution)
  Title of the Doctor's Dissertation:  
Specialty Code: 2401.01
Name of Specialty: Zoology
Title of the Topic: Evolutionary aspect of rodents' karyology spreading in Azerbaijan
  Total Number of Published Works: 150
Number of Scientific Works Printed Abroad: 58
Number of Articles Published in International Journalized Referendums and Indexed Magazines: 7
  Number of Authorship Certificates and Patents:
Staff Training:  
Number of PhD Doctors:


Main scientific results: Chromosome harvesting of 27 species of rodents (Rodentia group) has been explored in Azerbaijan. The spreading and systematics of rodents have been inspected and new species have been recorded in the genus of Mus, Sylvaemus and Microtus. Mus macedonicus species sympatrotic spreading to Mus domesticus in Europe, except Mus musculus; Sylvaemus species - 4 species (S. uralensis, S. ponticus, S. fulvipectus, S. hyrcanicus), and M. typealovnikovi, M. daqestanicus and M. majori species in the Terricola subspecies of the Microtus type have been recorded in other species.
Description of scientific works:

► "1.Саблина О.В., Раджабли С.И., Мейер М.Н., Маликов В.Г., Кулиев Г.Н. Karioloji məlumatlar əsasında Chionomys (Rodentia, Microtinae) cinsinə daxil olan çöl siçanlarının sistematik vəziyyəti // Зоологический журнал Академии Наук, том LXVII, выпуск 3, Москва: издательство наука, 1988, c. 472-475.

► Gias N. Kuliev and John W. Bickham. Azərbaycan ərazisində yayılmış dörd gəmirici növünün kariotipi (Muridae: Arvicolinae) // General Notes, Texas J. Sci. 55 (3), USA, 2003, p. 271-277. http://www. freepatententsonline. Com / article /Texas-Journal Science/108912118.html.

► Gias N. Kuliev and John.W. Bickham. Azərbaycanda yayılmış Kol çölsiçanlarının karioloji qohumluğu və Biomüxtəlifliyi: Böyük və Kiçik Qafqaz Dağlarında yayılmış növlərin differensasiyası // Texas Tech University. Natural Science Research Laboratory. Occasional papers, Museum of Texas Tech University. № 291. 21 april 2010, p. 1-14. . http: // www. nsrl. ttu. Edu / publications / opapers / ops / OP 291. pdf.

 ► Попытка гибридизации трех видов лесных мышей (Sylvaemus uralensis, S. fulvipipectus, S. ponticus) различных географических популяций обыкновенной полевки (Microtus arvalis) Азербайджана. Вестник Харьковского Университетета, серия «Биология», 2012 г., в. 15 (№1008), с. 129-135.

 ► IMPACT OF TROPHIC CONDITIONS ON BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF GRIFFON VULTURES IN AZERBAIJAN. XIII международная научно-практическая конференция. Научная публикация «Современные концепции научных исследований» Россия. Москва 29-30 апреля 2015.

Member of Republican, International and Foreign Countries Scientific Institutions: Society of Zoologists of Azerbaijan
Pedagogical Activity: 30 years
Rewards and Awards:

► 2005-ci ildə AMEA-nın 60 illiyi ilə əlaqədar olaraq AMEA-nın Fəxri fərmanı.

 ► Meждународный Научный фонд Джоджа Сороса Диплом победител Конкурса 1993-1994 гг.

 ► Всеукраiньска Грамодьскаорганiзацiя «украiнське товариство генетикiв i селекцiнерiв им.Вавилова» Дiплом нагороджусться. 23.09.2014.


 ХIII Международная научно-практическая конференция. «Современная концепции научных исследований» IMPAKT OF TROPHIC CONDITIONS ON BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF GRIFFON VULTURES IN AZERBAIJAN

Main Place and Address of Job: AZ1004, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, str. A.Abasov, 1128 back street, 504 block
  Position: Head of Dry Invertebrate Laboratory

Work phone:  

Mobile phone: (+994 50) 362 10 12

Home phone: (+994 12) 530 13 18


Electron mail:
