Name, surname | khasayeva Shafa | |
Place of birth | Azerbaijan, Gazakh region | |
Date of birth | 06.09.1986 | |
Education | ASPU | |
Scientific degree | PhD in Biology | |
Scientific title | ||
Topic of the PhD dissertation: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name | - 2401.01 - Zoology - Fauna and ecology of spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) of Ganja-Gazakh region | |
Total number of the scientific works published abroad - number of scientific works published abroad - number of journals abstracted and indexed in international databases | 22 6 2 | |
Main scientific achievements | As a result of their research, 325 species of spiders belonging to 144 genera in 30 families were recorded. Of these, 6 species were recorded for the Caucasian fauna, 1 genus and 9 species were recorded for the Azerbaijani fauna, and 195 species were recorded for the spider fauna of the Ganja-Gazakh region for the first time. New synonyms of 2 species are given. The species mentioned for the fauna of the region are divided into ecological groups. Also, the zoogeographic affiliation of the species included in the fauna and their distribution on landscapes were studied in detail. | |
Names of scientific works |
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Award and prizes | Honorary Order of ANAS - for excellence in scientific activity | |
Work and its address | ANAS Institute of Zoology A.Abbaszadeh str, block 501, passage 1128 | |
Occupation | Researcher | |
Office phone. | (+994 12) 539 73 27 | |
Mobile phone. |
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Home. | ||
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