The young scientist's project is part of the Science Development Foundation's Successful Projects section
Head of Laboratory of Sorption Processes Institute of Natural Resources, Nakhchivan Duvision , PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor Gunel Mammadova has been a grant winner of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The project entitled "Development of new high-temperature heat-insulating materials, seolithic methods from the underground resources of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic" presented by the young scientist is included in the Fund's Successful Projects section.
The main project of the project is to obtain scientifically justified new materials by using non-complicated technological methods on the basis of mineral raw materials in the territory of Nakhchivan. For the first time in the project, new alumosilicates from the natural alumosilicate deposits available on the territory of the autonomous republic were proposed and synthetic seolites were obtained on their basis. Sealite, based on mineral raw materials, thermal insulation materials can be used in various industries (oil, chemistry, agriculture).