"The sedentary birds of the south-eastern region of Azerbaijan? the factors affecting them and the protection ways "

Applicant: Sevinj Saadat Rajabova

The dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: "The sedentary birds of the south-eastern region of Azerbaijan? the factors affecting them and the protection ways  "

Speciality: 2401.01 – “Zoology”

Field of Science: Biology

Scientific supervisor (consultant):Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Associate Professor Abulfaz Naghi Taghiyev

Official opponents: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Arzu Farman Mammadov Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Namig Janali Mustafayev Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Vafa Farman Mammadova

Dissertation Council FD.1.09 of Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating at the Institute of Zoology of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

On September 15, 2023, at 2pm, at the Dissertation Council of the MSERA Institute of Zoology, will be defended the PhD dissertation entitled "The Sedentary birds of the South-Eastern region of Azerbaijan, the factors affecting them and the protection ways" by Sevinj Saadat gizi Rajabova, a researcher of the "Terresterial Vertebrates" laboratory, majoring in 2401.01 - "Zoology".