2019.02.21 - It was a meeting of the Trade Union Committee of the Institute of Zoology
2019.02.19 - Employees of the Institute of Botany informed about the procedure for appealing to the“Horizon-2020” program
2019.02.18 - Ties between ANAS Institute of Genetic Resources and UN organizations to enhance
2019.02.14 - The next scientific seminar was held at the Institute of Zoology
2019.02.11 - It was the next meeting of the scientific seminar at the Institute of Zoology
2019.02.11 - An event titled "Women in Science in Azerbaijan" at ANAS
2019.02.08 - It was the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology
2019.02.06 - Zoologiya İnstitutunda Respublika Elmi Tədqiqatların Əlaqələndirilməsi Şurasının Biologiya Problemləri üzrə Zooloji seksiyanın növbəti iclası keçirilib.
2019.02.06 - Zoologiya İnstitutunun əməkdaşları elmi-praktiki konfransda iştirak ediblər
2019.02.05 - Academician Akif Alizadeh met with young ANAS scientists
2019.02.04 - The Institute of Zoology of ANAS announces a contest for the following vaccancies
2019.02.04 - Measures are being taken to improve the organization of recreation and social conditions of the ANAS staff
2019.02.01 - “Horizon-2020” proqramına müraciətlə bağlı növbəti maarifləndirici seminar keçirilib
2019.01.30 - The winter examination session of the masters of the Institute of Zoology has come to an end
2019.01.29 - An employee of the Institute of Zoology took part at the V Azerbaijan International Conference on Beekeeping
2019.01.25 - Zoologiya İnstitutunda fəlsəfə doktoru hazırlığı üzrə doktoranturaya ixtisas fənnindən qəbul imtahanı keçirilib