2020.11.25 - Next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology carried out
2020.11.24 - Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology held the next online meeting
2020.11.16 - Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology held the next online meeting
2020.11.12 - Institute of Zoology held an event dedicated to the historical victory of Azerbaijan
2020.11.11 - General Meeting of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS
2020.10.27 - Scientific Council of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS hosted for an online meeting
2020.10.19 - The Institute of Zoology and the Free Trade Union of ANAS provided food assistance to low-income employees
2020.08.21 - Zoologiya İnstitutunun əməkdaşları herpetoloji tədqiqatlar aparıblar
2020.08.04 - International online conference is being held on the topic: "The coronavirus pandemic: from scientific research to ensuring a healthy future"
2020.07.31 - The Academy hosted an online seminar for young scientists
2020.07.16 - Employees of the Institute of Zoology visited the expedition
2020.07.16 - Zoologiya İnstitutu əməkdaşı nadir və azsaylı növlərin tədqiqi istiqamətində işləri davam etdirir
2020.06.26 - An employee of the Institute of Zoology took part in an international online conference
2020.06.25 - Zoologiya İnstitutunun magistrantı dissertasiya işini uğurla müdafiə edib
2020.06.19 - The next time employees of the Institute of Zoology visited the expedition
2020.06.19 - The summer exam session of master's students studying at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS has started.