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Division of Biological and Medical Sciences discussed several vital issues at the assembly

On September 19, Division of Biological and Medical Sciences (DBMS) held the next bureau meeting at the Presidium of ANAS.

Academician-Secretary of ANAS Academician Ahliman Amiraslanov opened the meeting and informed about issues of agenda. He congratulated Academician Adila Namazova on the occasion of 90th jubilee and reminded the letter of congratulation by Azerbaijan President to the scientist. In her turn, Adila Namazova expressed gratitude to the President for care and attention to Azerbaijan science.

At the meeting was delivered a lecture by laboratory head of Molecular Basis of the Integrative Activity under Institute of Physiology named after A.I.Garayev, Dr. Biology Arif Mehdiyev on "The new immunochemical method of correction in drug addiction". Lecturer noted that, therefore drug addiction is widespread among various groups in the world it has shifted from medical problem into social.

Then, were discussed issues stemming out from decisions of the Presidium “About establishment of particular structures of public relations to the scientific ventures and organizations of ANAS” and “About establishment of the Museum of Science History of ANAS”. By the decision of the Division, department of information technologies and public relations has been created at the Central Botanical Garden of ANAS.

Event also discussed the issues arising from decision of Presidium on conducting II Azerbaijan Science Festival.

At the meeting scientific-secretary of the Institute of Botany PhD in Biology Khuraman Khalilova was awarded the Certificate of Merit of the DBMS.

In closing, several staff problems were issued. It was decided to define Academician Irada Huseynova to be in charge at the Department of Fundamental Problems of Biological Productivity of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies on social grounds. Moreover, PhD in Biology Sara Aliyeva was approved to the post of scientific secretary to the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, PhD in Biology Lala Shirinova – chief of Education Department and Shazadeh Madatova to the chief department of Information and Innovation.