3423 Archive


The next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Zoology (ANAS)

The next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Zoology (ANAS) on October 11, 2016. The meeting was opened by Director of the Institute Elman Yusifov.

The decree of President of Azerbaijan, dated 03.10.2016 on the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2017-2020 was examined at the meeting and issues that need to be implemented by the Institute of Zoology (ANAS) were discussed.

Then, Director of the Institute Elman Yusifov gave detailed information on the important issues (tendencies of the world science, main problems and priority directions to be solved on the appropriate fields of science, by taking account demands and needs at the national level; goals and objectives, expected results of the intended research; suggestions on innovative, commercially valuable scientific activities)on planning discussion and adoption of appropriate decision of “Biology and medical sciences-2030: Road map”. 

At the end of the meeting, council members made report on the considered issues and expressed their opinions and suggestions.