1067 Archive


The next meeting of the scientific seminar was held under the Dissertation Council

PhD dissertation on "Sedentary birds of the South-Eastern region of Azerbaijan, factors affecting them and ways of protection" in specialty 2401.01 - "Zoology"  by Sevinj Rajabova, a researcher of the Laboratory of Terresterial Vertebrates of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, was discussed at the Dissertation Council. The scientific supervisor of the research is Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor Abulfaz Nagy oglu Taghiyev.

Opening the event, the head of the Protozoology Laboratory of the Institute of Zoology, chairman of the scientific seminar under the Dissertation Council, Ph.D., Professor Ilham Alakbarov gave the floor to the applicant. After extensive discussions, the opinion of the scientific seminar was read and brought to the attention of the seminar participants. At the end of the seminar, taking into account the scientific and practical significance of the dissertation, Sevinj Rajabova's PhD thesis on topic "Sedentary birds of the South-Eastern region of Azerbaijan, factors affecting them and ways of protection" in specialty 2401.01 - "Zoology" was considered expedient to submit to the Dissertation Council, as it meets the requirements of the PhD dissertations put by Supreme Attestation Commision of the Republic of Azerbaijan.