1141 Archive


An employee of the Institute of Zoology was on the expedition

The junior researcher of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates, dissertator Agil Hakhiyev visited the expedition in Gobustan region on October 11 – to 15, 2021. During this time, general monitoring of mammals was carried out, caves in the area were surveyed, and traps and nets were set up to capture the animals. Various species of rodents and bats were captured and photographed. Some species like Allactaga elater Lichtenstein, 1825 - 1 female and 2 males of Small five-toed jerboa, Lepidoptera, Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber, 1774 - 2 males of the Dwarf bat, Cricetulus migratorius Pallasiomys, 1773 – 1 male of Gray hamster, Meriones (Pallasiomys) libycus Lichtenstein, 1823 - Two male of Meriones libycus were brought to the laboratory to collect individual genetic material and perform measurements. Materials in the laboratory were elobarted by Dr. Biology Giyas Guliyev and a junior researcher Agil Hakhiyev.
After elaboration, Allactaga elater Lichtenstein, 1825 - 1 female and 2 male individuals of the small five-toed jerboa, Pipistrellus pipistrellus Schreber, 1774 - 2 male individuals of the Dwarf bat species were released into the wild nature. Other materials are stored in the collection fund.