1315 Archive


An employee of the Hydrobiology Laboratory was on an expedition in Mingachevir

Senior researcher of the Hydrobiology Laboratory of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, Ph.D in Biology Konul Tapdigova was on an expedition in Mingachevir on June 07-13, 2021. During the expedition, zooplankton samples were collected from the coastal waters and biological stations in the central parts of Mingachevir and Varvara reservoirs. In addition, with the purpose to determine the role of zooplankton in the food chain, fish samples (R. rutilus caspicus, Sander luciopercaç schema fish, carp) were collected from both reservoirs. After obtaining the samples, the gastric contents were examined at the Mingachevir Scientific Experimental Station under a microscope and a magnifying glass. Analysis of zooplankton samples in the laboratory continues.