2247 Archive


Cooperation proposals between Azerkosmos OJSC and Institutes of ANAS were discussed

Joint cooperation was discussed on monitoring of the impact of the oil and gas pipelines (BTC, BTA, TAP, etc.) on the biodiversity of the Azerbaijani part of the oil and gas pipelines (every 5 years), "Modeling of the Climate Change effects on Azerbaijan glaciers and biological diversity of surrounding areas”, "Forest fires modeling", "Modeling of mud volcano eruption on biological diversity, on life activity of people", “Monitoring of ecosystems of the Caspian Sea”, "GIS mapping of biodiversity of Shahdag National Park, risk modeling", "Modeling of the effects of ecological relations of agricultural plants on productivity " among "Azerkosmos" OJSC, Institute of Zoology of ANAS and Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. It was decided to elaborate the action plan and submit concrete proposals to the management of ANAS at the next meeting.