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Azerbaijani scientist has discovered a new specie

Senior scientific worker of the Laboratory of “Arachnology” (Institute of Zoology), Doctor of Science in Biology Nataliya Snegovaya has discovered 2 new species of dragonflies (Cordulegaster plagionyx Cnachitischevanica Skvortsov & Snegovaya Skvortsov & Snegovaya 2015 and 2015)  at the result of researches in Balakan region and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 

Furthermore, scientist has found 13 new species of dragonflies (Lestes dryas, L.sponsa, L.virens, Coenagrion hastulatum, C.lunulatum, C.ornatum, C.pulchellum, Aeshna affinis, Brachytron pratense, Cordulegaster picta, Somatochlora flavomaculata, Sympetrum flaveolum, S.vulgatum)  in researches in Azerbaijan fauna.