4131 Archive


Employees of the Institute of Zoology have been in expedition

Scientific worker of the Laboratory of “Hidrobiology” of the Institute of Zoology (ANAS), K.Tapdygova has been sent on an expedition on the Absheron peninsula from 18.05. 2015 to 29.05.2015  to gather materials on the subject: “Dissemination, reserves and rational use of Artemia crustaceans in salt and hypersaline lakes of Absheron peninsula”.  11 lakes were visited in the above-mentioned territories. During this period, several auxiliary hydro-biological and ecological observations have been conducted. Currently analysis of materials is conducted in the laboratory.

Senior scientific worker of the Laboratory of “Theriology”, Ph.D. in Biology Esmira Mammadrzayeva, junior scientific worker Agil Hakhiyev and senior scientific worker of the Laboratory of “Herpetology”, Ph.D. in Biology Sabina Bunyatova have been in expedition in Yardimli region (villages of Avash, Arvana, Garavuldash and Deman) on 25.05.2015– 04.06.2015. During their expedition, fauna of reptiles and mammals in the above-mentioned territories was monitored and received new information about them.

Employees of the Laboratory for “parasites of aquatic animals”, chief of the laboratory, Sc.D. in Biology Asif Manafov, Ph.D. in Biology Yashar Seyidli and junior scientific worker Asmar Huseynli have gathered parasitological materials (molluscs, fish fry, larvae of various insects) of the water basins in the Middle Kur basin on 01.06.2015-06.06.2015. 

Employee of the Laboratory for “parasites of aquatic animals”, Ph.D. in Biology Fuad Rzayev has been in expedition in Shabran and Khachmaz regions on 01.06. - 07.06.2015. 

Senior scientific worker of the Laboratory of “Ornithology”, Ph.D. in Biology Tahir Karimov has been in expedition in Turyanchay State Nature Reserve on 01.06.2015-06.06.2015. During the expedition, food conditions of scavenging birds have been studied.