2020.04.15 - Zoologiya İnstitutunun əməkdaşları beynəlxalq vebinarlarda iştirak ediblər
2020.04.10 - Distance education successfully continues in the master studies of institutes of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS
2020.03.17 - Scientific Council of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences discussed a number of issues
2020.03.11 - Zoologiya İnstitutunda növbəti elmi seminar keçirilib
2020.03.06 - Institute of Zoology hosted an event on the occasion of the 8th of March- Women's Day
2020.03.04 - Zoologiya İnstitutunda “Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qırmızı Kitabı”nın III nəşrinin hazırlanması ilə bağlı olaraq iclas keçirilib
2020.03.03 - II International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists kicked off
2020.02.28 - Zoologiya İnstitutunda Mülki Müdafiə və ilk yardım mövzusunda tədbir keçirilib
2020.02.28 - Zoologiya İnstitutunun Dissertasiya şurasının növbəti Elmi seminarı keçirilib
2020.02.27 - Zoologiya İnstitutunda koronavirusa dair maarifləndirici tədbir keçirilib
2020.02.25 - General Meeting of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences
2020.02.20 - The entrance exam for doctoral studies in philosophy is held
2020.02.13 - General Meeting of the Division of Biology and Medical Sciences was held
2020.02.07 - The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology was held
2020.01.30 - The first meeting of the Young Scientists and Specialists Council for the current year was held at the Institute of Zoology
2020.01.28 - The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology was held