Irada Nuriyeva Aghaverdi

Irada Nuriyeva Aghaverdi

Leading Researcher

  Place of birth: Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city
  Date of birth: 18.01.1962 
  Higher Education Institution: Baku State University 
Scientific Degree: Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor
Scientific Rank:
  Title of PhD dissertation:
Specialty Code:


Name of Specialty: Entomology
Title of the Topic: "Bioecological features of the parasites of the white American butterfly (Hyphantria cunea Drury) in the north-eastern regions of Azerbaijan"
  Title of the Doctor's Dissertation:  
Specialty Code:
Name of Specialty:
Title of the Topic:
  Total Number of Published Works: 55
Number of Scientific Works Printed Abroad: 19
Number of Articles Published in International Journalized Referendums and Indexed Magazines: 2
  Number of Authorship Certificates and Patents:
Staff Training:  
Number of PhD Doctors:
Main scientific results:
In March and November of 1987, she had an internship at the Department of Organic and Biochemistry of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. In October 1989, she delivered a lecture at the X Congress of the All-Union Society of Entomologists in St. Petersburg. Also, closely participated in the preparation of recommendations for “Comprehensive control measures against the American white butterfly” submitted to the Republican Plant Protection Station and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as “Measures to control the single silkworm in the Greater Caucasus forests of Azerbaijan” in 2001 (2005-2010). She had been one of the main executors of eight thematic works. I.A. Nuriyeva had been the project manager of "The only silkworm, natural enemies and host plants in Azerbaijan" (2008-2010), established by the Azerbaijan National Science Foundation, the participant of the grant project dubbed "Bioecology and natural enemies of some Lepidoptera that cause massive damage to Azerbaijani forests” by Ukrainian Science and Technology Center (2008-010), as well as the project manager of "The state of Entomofauna along the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline (in Azerbaijan)" (2011-2013).
Description of scientific works:

     1. Qədimov V.Ə., Nuriyeva İ.A.  “Polistes gallikus-        Azərbaycanın Muğan-Mil düzundə pambıg sovkasının təbii düşmənidir.”       Entomologiya üzrə İ Zaqafqaziya konfransı.Yerevan.1986-cı il s.93-94

  1. Мустафина М.К., Нуриева И.А. “Особенности брачного и поискового поведения Macrocentrus collais Spin. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)” ВЭО Х сезд Ленинград 1990 год Успехи Энтомологии в СССР: Насекомые перепончатокрылые и чешуекрылые. С.88-90
  2. Nuriyeva İ.A. “Azərbaycanda amerika ağ kəpənəyinin parazitoidləri Psychophagus omnivorus (Pteromalidae) və Brachimeria intermedia (Chalsididae)-nin bəzi bioekoloji xüsusiyyətləri”. Azərb.Aqrar elmi.1996.№ 5-6. s.60-63
  3. Nuriyeva İ.A. “Azərbaycanda amerika ağ kəpənəyinin parazitoidləri Exorista larvarum və Compsilua concinnata Meigen-nin bəzi bioekoloji xüsusiyyətləri.”          “Heyvanlar aləminin öyrənilməsi və qounması” elmi konf. Mat. Bakı.1997.    s. 95-97    
  4. Nuriyeva İ.A. “Amerika ağ kəpənəyinin parazitoidi kimi Pimpla tuionella-nın ekosistemlərdə bioloji mübaizədə rolu” Ətaf mühit və ekol. Elmi metod.konf. Bakı. “Ozan.1997.s.154
  5. Nuriyeva İ.A “Exoista larvarum-un (Tachinidae) amerika ağ kəpənəyini yoluxdurmaq xüsusiyyətləri.” Azəb.Aqrar elmi. 1998. № 1-2.
  6. Nuriyeva İ.A. “Brachimeria intemedia Ness (Hymenoptra, Chalcididae)nigah davranışının bəzi xüsusiyyətləi.” Aqrar sahədə calışan gənc alim və mütəx. Elmi konf.Bakı.1998-ci il. s.121-122      
  7. Nuriyeva İ.A., Abdinbəyova A.Ə. “Xeyili ekoloji amil kimi Apanteles plutella Kud. (Braconidae)-nin amerika ağ kəpənəyinin entomofaq kompleksində yeri.” “Həyat fəaliyyətinin mühafizəsi” elmi konf. Sumqayıt. 1998-ci il. s.149-150
  8. Nuriyeva İ.A., Əhmədov B.Ə. “Amerika ağ kəpənəyi” Bağca-bağ j.№ 5-6. 2000.
  9. Nuriyeva İ.A «Amerika ağ kəpənəyinə qaşı mübaizə.” Bağca- bağ j.№ 3-4 .2000
Member of Republican, International and Foreign Countries Scientific Institutions: Azerbaijan Society of Zoologists
Pedagogical Activity: Teaches master's courses in entomology at the Institute of Zoology of NASА
Rewards and Awards:
Other activities: Chairman of the Public Union for Support of Scientists' Relations with Farmers
Main Place and Address of Job: AZ1004, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, str. A.Abasov, 1128 back street, 504 block
  Position: Leading Researcher

Office: (+994 12) 539 73 59 

Mobile : (+994 50) 724 79 38

Home : (+994 12) 505 17 53 

Fax:   (+994 12) 539 73 53 
