Ələkbərov İlham Xəyyam oğlu

Ilham Khayyam oglu Alakbarov

Head of Protozoology Laboratory


  Place of birth: The Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city
  Date of birth: 20.11.1948
  Higher Education Institution: Azerbaijan State University
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Biological Sciences  
Scientific Rank: Professor, correspondent member
  Title of PhD dissertation:
Specialty Code: 2401.01 
Name of Specialty: Zoology
Title of the Topic: “Planctonic Ciliates of Mingechaur, Varvara and Jeyranbatan  water  reservoirs”
  Title of the Doctor's Dissertation:  
Specialty Code: 2401.01 
Name of Specialty: Zoology
Title of the Topic: “Freeliving Ciliates of Azerbaijan Freshwaters”.
  Total Number of Published Works: 180, including 3 monographs and 1 authoric
Number of Scientific Works Printed Abroad: 115
Number of Articles Published in International Journalized Referendums and Indexed Magazines: 86
  Number of Authorship Certificates and Patents: 1
Staff Training:  

Number of PhD Doctors:

Number of  Doctor of sciences 



Basic scientific achievements: Author of a number of new cytological and ecological methods, studying the morphology and ecology of free-living unicellular animals, as well as new methods for biotesting environmental pollution at the cellular-organism and the  protozoan communities levels. Author of 130 new species of free-living protists.
Description of scientific works:

► И.Х.Алекперов. Атлас свободноживущих инфузорий (Классы Kinetofragminophora, Colpodea, Olygohymenophora, Polyhymenophora). Изд-во "Борчалы", Баку, 2005, 310 с.

► И.Х.Алекперов. Свободноживущие Инфузории Азербайджана (экология, зоогеография, практическое значение). Баку, «Элм», 2012; 520 с.

► И.Х.Алекперов. К изучению фауны инфузорий планктона Джейранбатанского водохранилища. / Алиев А. // I съезд Всесоюзного об-ва протозоологов. Баку, Элм, 1971, с.11.

► И.Х.Алекперов. К изучению фауны планктонных инфузорий Мингечаурского и Варваринского водохранилищ. Тез.научн. конф. АН Азерб. ССР, «Элм», 1974

► И.Х.Алекперов. Новый род инфузорий Bakuella gen.nov. (отряд Hipotrichida) из Каспийского моря и Джейранбатанского водохранилища. / Агамалиев Ф. // Зоол.Ж-л, 1976, №1, с. 128-131,Москва.

► И.Х.Алекперов. Экологические особенности планктонных инфузорий Мингечаурского и Варваринского водохранилищ. 2 съезд Всесоюз.об-ва протозоологов. Киев. Наукова думка, 1976, с. 19.

► И.Х.Алекперов. Сезонная динамика видового состава, численности и биомассы планктонных инфузорий Джейранбатанского водохранилища. Изв. АН Азерб. ССР, сер.биол.наук, 1979, №4, с.81-84, Баку.

► Alekperov I.  “Atlas of Free-living Ciliates (Classes Kinetofragminophora, Colpodea, Polyhymenophora). 2005, ed. “Borchali”, Baku 310 p.

► Alekperov I. “Free-living ciliates of Azerbaijan” 2012, ed. “Elm” Baku, 520p.

► Alekperov I. Snegovaya N. Tagirova E.  “Cadastre of Free-living Ciliates and Testate Amoebas of Azerbaijan” 2017, published by KMK, Moscow, 127 p.

Member of Republican, International and Foreign Countries Scientific Institutions: Member of the Azerbaijan Society of Zoologists, Member of the International Society of Zoologists (ISZS), member of the editorial boards of 2 republican and 5 foreign scientific journals, reviewer of 4 leading European journals on protozoology.
Pedagogical Activity:
Rewards and Awards: Honor certificates of ANAS
Main Place and Address of Job: AZ1004, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, str. A.Abasov, 1128 back street, 504 block
  Position: Head of Protozoology Laboratory 

Work phone:  (+994 12) 510-97-02

Mobile phone: (+994 50) 324 18 47

Home phone: (+994 12) 452 50 23


Electron mail:

• i_alekperov@yahoo.com