Place of birth | The Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city | |
Date of birth | 12.07.1954 | |
Higher Educational Institution | Baku State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, assistant proffessor | |
Scientific rank | ||
Topic of PhD thesis:
- Specialty code - Specialty name - Topic name | 2429.01 Parasitology Helmint fauna of domestic cats and their ecological, epidemiological, epizootological characterization in Azerbaijan | |
Total number of printed scientific publications
- Number of scientific publications printed abroad
- Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 48
2 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship |
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Staff training - Number of PhD |
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Basic scientific achievements | Helminth fauna of wild and mutant animals has been fully studied and 17 new species have been discovered for the fauna of Azerbaijan firstly in Azerbaijan. Bottom, abiotic and social factors that influence the formation of helminth fauna and the spread of helminths on different landscapes have been identified. The role of their owners in the development of helminths, the spreading of human beings and animals, the formation and maintenance of new holes was identified. Direct effects of feeding areas and trophic factors on the composition of animal helminths have been identified. For the first time, 7 new natural and synanthrocytic hinges were discovered in Azerbaijan under the conditions of major helminth infections. 12 types of helminths have firstly been found to have significant epizootic and epidemiological significance for pelvic and human beef. | |
Names of scientific works | 1. M.Ş.Yolçuyev, R.Ş.İbrahmova Azərbaycanda enli lentcə qurdun Diphyllobothrium latum Lühe ilk dəfə ev pişiyində tapılması. Az SSR EA-nın Xəbərləri, 1993, N 1-3, səh.41-44. 2. R.Ş.İbrahimova Bakı şəhərində ev pişiklərinin helmintlərinin epizootoloji və epidemioloji vəziy-yətinin qiymətləndirilməsi. K.İ.Skryabinin 130 illiyinə həsr olunmuş “Su və quru paraztlərin ekologiyası və biomüxtəlifliyi” beynəlxalq elmi konf. Moskva, 2008, səh.139-141. 3. Q.H.Fətəliyev, M.Ş.Yolçuyev, R.Ş.İbrahimova Şirvanda vəhşi və əhli ətyeyən heyvanların başlıca helmintoz törədicilərinin təbii və sinantrop ocaqlıqları. AMEA-nın Xəbərləri, cild 66, Elm 2011, səh. 230-233. | |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
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Pedagogical activity | 23 | |
Other activities | Secretary of the Scientific Seminar at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS | |
Awards and prizes | Honorary Decree | |
Main place of work and its address | AZ 1004, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, Str. A.Abbaszadeh, 1128th side street, 504th block | |
Position | Senior scientific worker | |
Office phone | ||
Mobile | (+994 50) 775-06-09 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 432-10-79 | |
Fax | ||
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