Place of birth | Azerbaijan Republic, Kurdamir region, Garagodjaly village | ![]() |
Date of birth | 11.04.1953 | |
Higher education institution | Azerbaijan State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Assistant professor | |
Scientific rank | ||
Candidacy (PhD) thesis theme:
- specialty code - name of a profession - the title of the topic |
03.00.11 Embryology and histology "Morphological variability in early embryogenesis of some reptile species and its adaptive significance" | |
The total number of published works - number of works published abroad - the number of articles published in journals indexed and indexed in international databases | 63 32 10 | |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | 2 | |
Staff training: - Number of PhD
| |
Main scientific achievements | Studied embryonic development and reproduction biology of some species of reptiles and their adaptive significance, fauna, an ecology of poisonous snakes, their maintenance and breeding in captivity | |
Names of scientific works |
| |
Membership of scientific bodies in republican, international and foreign countries | taught zoology at the bachelor's and master's degrees at LSU and BSU in 2011-2020, Currently teaches specialty subjects at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS for master's | |
Pedagogical activity | Was a pedagogical worker at the Lankaran and Baku State Universities of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the subject of "Onurganids Zoology", "Azerbaijan fauna (vertebrates)" and "The classification and biology of amphibians and reptiles" in bachelor and master degrees in 2008-2017. | |
Other activity | Member of the public association "Center for Biological Diversity" | |
Rewards and prizes | - | |
Work place and address
| Institute of Zoology of ANAS, ANAS, black 504, passage 1128, A.Abbaszade str., Baku, AZ1004, Azerbaijan Republic | |
Position | Leading researcher | |
Work tel. | ||
Mobile tel. | +99450 338 95 67 +99455 901 37 16 | |
Home tel. | +99412 465 84 39 +99412569 05 36 | |
Fax | ||