Laboratory of Protozoology

The laboratory of protozoology operates in two scientific directions: 1. "Protistology" 2. "Biochemical bases of parasite-host relations". Protistology Laboratory established in 1957 at the Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. During the first ten years of the Protistology Laboratory's activity (1957-1967), a team of young researchers led by M.A. Musayev devotes its activities to faunistic research, study of taxonomic and ecological features of cattle, poultry and rodent parasites-coccidia (A.M. Veysov, F.K. Aliyev, Sh.G. Manafova). In the 80s of the last century, in addition to parasitic primitives, the laboratory staff began to study free-living primitives (T. Amiraslanova, R.R. Ibadov, N. Mirzazadeh). At this stage, the laboratory is studying a new group of coccidia - sarcosporids, meat spores and parasites of zoonotic nature, cryptosporida that cause opportunistic diseases not only in animals but also in humans (A.M. Surkova, H.D. Gaibova). In the late 1980s, the Protistology Laboratory expanded, combining the biochemical properties of two-parasite-host relationships and the direction of protozoological research in free-living and parasitic primitives (1986).

Studying the biodiversity of Azerbaijan's free and parasitic terrain;

Study of protozoos of agricultural animals, detection of zoonotic protozoan pathogens that a potential source of danger to humans in various ecosystems;

Use of freeze-dried apricots for the biotesting of marine, freshwater, and soil polluted with oil, heavy metals, and insecticides;

Biochemical, molecular, and genetic study of parasite-host relationships.

81 parasites and 210 elementary species have been described for the first time for science. Determination methods of the pollution level by different types of biomonitoring and man-made pollution have been improved.

Dr. Alakbarov Ilham Khayyam oghlu Ph.D. Naila İsgandarova Hamid gizi  Dr. Hamida Gaibova Davud gizi Ph.D. Elyana Tahirova Nail gizi Aghayeva Rahima Zaman gizi
Ph.D. Turkan Firudin gızı Gurbanova
Ph.D. Nargiz Ahmadova Ali gizi 
  Ph.D. Simuzar Mamedova Oruj gizi