Young Scientists of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS attended the training supported by TUBITAK BIDEP
Nobel Prize awards ceremony held In Stockholm,Oslo
ANAS hosts conference on "The outstanding state figure Heydar Aliyev's ideals of the state and the modern era"
ANAS expands cooperation with scientific centers of Israel
Announced the names of the winners of “Breakthrough Prize”
ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists launched for a report preparation of the year
II Special Department held next seminar
Russian scientists have created an artificial kidney new type
ANAS hosted academician Vasim Mammadaliyev’s 75th anniversary
Defense of the doctoral dissertation of the employee of the Hydrobiology Laboratory was held at the Defense Council of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS
AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Əli Nuriyevin “Davamlı və tarazlı regional inkişaf” adlı kitabı çapdan çıxıb
Respublika Seysmoloji Xidmət Mərkəzinin direktoru Rusiyada bir sıra görüşlər keçirib
AMEA-nın İkinci xüsusi şöbəsində növbəti seminar-məşğələ keçirilib
Presentation of the project "Non-propeller engine" held
A new edition on the bioecological and X-ray features of Cypresses
Competition announced for the state awards for 2018

Young Scientists of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS attended the training supported by TUBITAK BIDEP

Nobel Prize awards ceremony held In Stockholm,Oslo

ANAS hosts conference on "The outstanding state figure Heydar Aliyev's ideals of the state and the modern era"

ANAS expands cooperation with scientific centers of Israel

Announced the names of the winners of “Breakthrough Prize”

ANAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists launched for a report preparation of the year

II Special Department held next seminar

Russian scientists have created an artificial kidney new type

ANAS hosted academician Vasim Mammadaliyev’s 75th anniversary

Defense of the doctoral dissertation of the employee of the Hydrobiology Laboratory was held at the Defense Council of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS

AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Əli Nuriyevin “Davamlı və tarazlı regional inkişaf” adlı kitabı çapdan çıxıb

Respublika Seysmoloji Xidmət Mərkəzinin direktoru Rusiyada bir sıra görüşlər keçirib

AMEA-nın İkinci xüsusi şöbəsində növbəti seminar-məşğələ keçirilib

Presentation of the project "Non-propeller engine" held

A new edition on the bioecological and X-ray features of Cypresses

Competition announced for the state awards for 2018