Zoologiya İnstitutunda dezinfeksiya işləri aparılıb 10.03.2020
Rules changed in connection with the master's education 06.03.2020
Institute of Zoology hosted an event on the occasion of the 8th of March- Women's Day 04.03.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunda “Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qırmızı Kitabı”nın III nəşrinin hazırlanması ilə bağlı olaraq iclas keçirilib 03.03.2020
II International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists kicked off 28.02.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun Dissertasiya şurasının növbəti Elmi seminarı keçirilib 28.02.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunda Mülki Müdafiə və ilk yardım mövzusunda tədbir keçirilib 27.02.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunda koronavirusa dair maarifləndirici tədbir keçirilib 25.02.2020
General Meeting of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences 20.02.2020
The entrance exam for doctoral studies in philosophy is held 17.02.2020
Scientists talked about the sixth mass extinction on Earth that is happening before our eyes 14.02.2020
A new issue of “Life Sciences and Biomedical” released 14.02.2020
New bird species discovered in Azerbaijan 13.02.2020
General Meeting of the Division of Biology and Medical Sciences was held 07.02.2020
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology was held 30.01.2020
The first meeting of the Young Scientists and Specialists Council for the current year was held at the Institute of Zoology
Zoologiya İnstitutunda dezinfeksiya işləri aparılıb 10.03.2020
Rules changed in connection with the master's education 06.03.2020
Institute of Zoology hosted an event on the occasion of the 8th of March- Women's Day 04.03.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunda “Azərbaycan Respublikasının Qırmızı Kitabı”nın III nəşrinin hazırlanması ilə bağlı olaraq iclas keçirilib 03.03.2020
II International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists kicked off 28.02.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun Dissertasiya şurasının növbəti Elmi seminarı keçirilib 28.02.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunda Mülki Müdafiə və ilk yardım mövzusunda tədbir keçirilib 27.02.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunda koronavirusa dair maarifləndirici tədbir keçirilib 25.02.2020
General Meeting of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences 20.02.2020
The entrance exam for doctoral studies in philosophy is held 17.02.2020
Scientists talked about the sixth mass extinction on Earth that is happening before our eyes 14.02.2020
A new issue of “Life Sciences and Biomedical” released 14.02.2020
New bird species discovered in Azerbaijan 13.02.2020
General Meeting of the Division of Biology and Medical Sciences was held 07.02.2020
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology was held 30.01.2020
The first meeting of the Young Scientists and Specialists Council for the current year was held at the Institute of Zoology