Restrictions were introduced due to the tightening of the special quarantine regime at ANAS operating mode 25.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun magistrantı dissertasiya işini uğurla müdafiə edib 19.06.2020
The summer exam session of master's students studying at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS has started. 19.06.2020
The next time employees of the Institute of Zoology visited the expedition 16.06.2020
Announced the date of the summer exam session at ANAS 12.06.2020
The Institute of Zoology continues disinfection against coronavirus 12.06.2020
An employee of the Institute of Zoology took part in an international webinar 11.06.2020
An online event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Seyfaddin Aliyev 10.06.2020
Declared the number of bachelors choosing a specialty for Master's degree 10.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun dissertantı Respublika onlayn elmi konfransında iştirak edib 08.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun Elmi Şurasının onlayn iclası keçirilib 05.06.2020
The next online meeting was held with the heads of the ANAS Education Departments 03.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutu magistrinin dissertasiya işinin ilkin müdafiəsi keçirilib 01.06.2020
Accident statement in the corporate system of the e-mail service of the scientific computer network AzScienceNet 30.05.2020
Academic Seyfaddin Aliyev is 90 years old 24.05.2020
Akademik İradə Hüseynovanın 55 yaşı tamam olur
Restrictions were introduced due to the tightening of the special quarantine regime at ANAS operating mode 25.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun magistrantı dissertasiya işini uğurla müdafiə edib 19.06.2020
The summer exam session of master's students studying at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS has started. 19.06.2020
The next time employees of the Institute of Zoology visited the expedition 16.06.2020
Announced the date of the summer exam session at ANAS 12.06.2020
The Institute of Zoology continues disinfection against coronavirus 12.06.2020
An employee of the Institute of Zoology took part in an international webinar 11.06.2020
An online event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Seyfaddin Aliyev 10.06.2020
Declared the number of bachelors choosing a specialty for Master's degree 10.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun dissertantı Respublika onlayn elmi konfransında iştirak edib 08.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutunun Elmi Şurasının onlayn iclası keçirilib 05.06.2020
The next online meeting was held with the heads of the ANAS Education Departments 03.06.2020
Zoologiya İnstitutu magistrinin dissertasiya işinin ilkin müdafiəsi keçirilib 01.06.2020
Accident statement in the corporate system of the e-mail service of the scientific computer network AzScienceNet 30.05.2020
Academic Seyfaddin Aliyev is 90 years old 24.05.2020
Akademik İradə Hüseynovanın 55 yaşı tamam olur