AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Rauf Qardaşov Rusiyada keçirilən beynəlxalq konfransda məruzə edib 27.09.2017
ANAS held the event dedicated to the memory of world-famous scientist Lotfi Zadeh 26.09.2017
Academician Ibrahim Guliyev delivered a paper at the International conference in Bulgaria 26.09.2017
Correspondent member Zeynal Akperov on 65th jubilee! 25.09.2017
Next number of "ANAS News (series of biological and medical science)" journal issued 25.09.2017
ANAS Institute of Botany held an event held meeting with the representatives of US Botanic Garden 25.09.2017
Announced "Mother tongue - our national wealth" contest 23.09.2017
ANAS held opening of the "Guest House" 22.09.2017
Next meeting of Presidium of ANAS has been held 21.09.2017
Next bureau assembly of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences 19.09.2017
The employee of the laboratory of dry vertebrates was in the expedition in the South-East region of Azerbaijan 19.09.2017
Amultiplication technology of medical leech is developed in laboratory conditionsfirstlyat the Applied Zoology Center in the Republic 19.09.2017
The discussion of doctoral dissertation was held at the scientific workshop of the employee of Hydrobiology Laboratory 19.09.2017
The first meeting of Applied Zoological Center was held 19.09.2017
Action Plan on implementation of "State Program" Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021" 15.09.2017
ANAS Central Botanic Garden to be cooperate with the Batumi botanical garden
AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Rauf Qardaşov Rusiyada keçirilən beynəlxalq konfransda məruzə edib 27.09.2017
ANAS held the event dedicated to the memory of world-famous scientist Lotfi Zadeh 26.09.2017
Academician Ibrahim Guliyev delivered a paper at the International conference in Bulgaria 26.09.2017
Correspondent member Zeynal Akperov on 65th jubilee! 25.09.2017
Next number of "ANAS News (series of biological and medical science)" journal issued 25.09.2017
ANAS Institute of Botany held an event held meeting with the representatives of US Botanic Garden 25.09.2017
Announced "Mother tongue - our national wealth" contest 23.09.2017
ANAS held opening of the "Guest House" 22.09.2017
Next meeting of Presidium of ANAS has been held 21.09.2017
Next bureau assembly of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences 19.09.2017
The employee of the laboratory of dry vertebrates was in the expedition in the South-East region of Azerbaijan 19.09.2017
Amultiplication technology of medical leech is developed in laboratory conditionsfirstlyat the Applied Zoology Center in the Republic 19.09.2017
The discussion of doctoral dissertation was held at the scientific workshop of the employee of Hydrobiology Laboratory 19.09.2017
The first meeting of Applied Zoological Center was held 19.09.2017
Action Plan on implementation of "State Program" Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021" 15.09.2017
ANAS Central Botanic Garden to be cooperate with the Batumi botanical garden