The 5th Azerbaijan Physiological Congress is to be held at ANAS 09.10.2017
Trainings on drone management have been launched at ANAS High Tech Park 06.10.2017
ANAS Limited Liability Company "High Technologies Park of ANAS" announces training program for youth 05.10.2017
Held the next meeting of the Board of Experts of ANAS High Technologies Park 04.10.2017
AMEA Azad Həmkarlar İttafaqı tərəfindən Zoologiya İnstitutunun əməkdaşına “Günəşli” sanatoriyasına yollayış verilib 04.10.2017
Employee of Institute of Zoology of ANAS has got a free Medical Assistance of “Gunashli” Sanatorium 03.10.2017
“Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində təlim tədris kurslarına start verir 03.10.2017
Azerbaijani scientist took part in an international event on the study of Juniper trees 03.10.2017
A workshop was held in the Institute of Zoology of ANAS 02.10.2017
"Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində tərcüməçi kurslarina start verir 02.10.2017
The next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS 02.10.2017
"Cleaning, planting and greening" action at Dendrology Institute 02.10.2017
Interesting articlec in the new issue of "Elm" newspaper 28.09.2017
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic “Science Foundation” Research is pleased to announce a competition for funding for projects and other scientific activities 28.09.2017
Academician Akif Alizadeh: "Azerbaijan is a country of multiculturalism and tolerance" 27.09.2017
Zoologiya İnstitutu şəkər çuğundurunun yığımına başlayıb
The 5th Azerbaijan Physiological Congress is to be held at ANAS 09.10.2017
Trainings on drone management have been launched at ANAS High Tech Park 06.10.2017
ANAS Limited Liability Company "High Technologies Park of ANAS" announces training program for youth 05.10.2017
Held the next meeting of the Board of Experts of ANAS High Technologies Park 04.10.2017
AMEA Azad Həmkarlar İttafaqı tərəfindən Zoologiya İnstitutunun əməkdaşına “Günəşli” sanatoriyasına yollayış verilib 04.10.2017
Employee of Institute of Zoology of ANAS has got a free Medical Assistance of “Gunashli” Sanatorium 03.10.2017
“Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində təlim tədris kurslarına start verir 03.10.2017
Azerbaijani scientist took part in an international event on the study of Juniper trees 03.10.2017
A workshop was held in the Institute of Zoology of ANAS 02.10.2017
"Aysberq KMT” MMC AMEA-nın Zoologiya İnstitutu ilə birgə əməkdaşlıq çərçivəsində tərcüməçi kurslarina start verir 02.10.2017
The next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS 02.10.2017
"Cleaning, planting and greening" action at Dendrology Institute 02.10.2017
Interesting articlec in the new issue of "Elm" newspaper 28.09.2017
State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic “Science Foundation” Research is pleased to announce a competition for funding for projects and other scientific activities 28.09.2017
Academician Akif Alizadeh: "Azerbaijan is a country of multiculturalism and tolerance" 27.09.2017
Zoologiya İnstitutu şəkər çuğundurunun yığımına başlayıb