Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on holding the 110th anniversary of academician Ashraf Huseynov
Next meeting of the Presidium held
Institute of Zoology of ANAS has been granted the right to use of the virtual machines of AzScienceNet network
PhD, defenders of thesis and masters of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS take part in the competition "Our native language is our national reality"
Director of the Institute of Zoology Elman Yusifov met with members of the Institute of Young Scientists and Specialists
New research works have been launched at the Institute of Zoology to combat pests
The library of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS exchanged books with the Central Scientific Library of Azerbaijan
The employees of the Hydrobiology Laboratory visited the expedition at Takhtakorpu water reservoir
The last stage of the competition "Our native language is our national value" held
Held a meeting on the implementation of the State Program "Azerbaijani Youth in 2017-2021"
Dissertation work defense of the employee of the Applied Zoology Center
Zoology Institute distributes high-quality first-class fish from artificial lakes to workers
Institute of Zoology of ANAS has provided the next food aid to its employees
Employee of the Applied Zoology Center had a business trip to Turkey for studying the bee diseases
Report of Aghsu Support Point was announced
AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunun professoru "İlin alimi" mükafına layiq görülüb

Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on holding the 110th anniversary of academician Ashraf Huseynov

Next meeting of the Presidium held

Institute of Zoology of ANAS has been granted the right to use of the virtual machines of AzScienceNet network

PhD, defenders of thesis and masters of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS take part in the competition "Our native language is our national reality"

Director of the Institute of Zoology Elman Yusifov met with members of the Institute of Young Scientists and Specialists

New research works have been launched at the Institute of Zoology to combat pests

The library of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS exchanged books with the Central Scientific Library of Azerbaijan

The employees of the Hydrobiology Laboratory visited the expedition at Takhtakorpu water reservoir

The last stage of the competition "Our native language is our national value" held

Held a meeting on the implementation of the State Program "Azerbaijani Youth in 2017-2021"

Dissertation work defense of the employee of the Applied Zoology Center

Zoology Institute distributes high-quality first-class fish from artificial lakes to workers

Institute of Zoology of ANAS has provided the next food aid to its employees

Employee of the Applied Zoology Center had a business trip to Turkey for studying the bee diseases

Report of Aghsu Support Point was announced

AMEA Zoologiya İnstitutunun professoru "İlin alimi" mükafına layiq görülüb