The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held 22.12.2023
Annual reports of scientific-research institutions were discussed at the General Meeting of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences 22.12.2023
Director General of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was awarded with a Letter of Appreciation 19.12.2023
A preliminary discussion of the dissertation was held 18.12.2023
An event was held on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Academician Miresadulla Mirgasimov, the first president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 15.12.2023
The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held 14.12.2023
Employees of the Terresterial Vertebrates Laboratory were on an expedition in the territory of Kyzylaghaj National Park 11.12.2023
Commemoration day of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the Institute of Zoology 07.12.2023
An employee of the Institute of Zoology gave an interview to AZERTAC 05.12.2023
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA was carried out 01.12.2023
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA 30.11.2023
Published the monograph of the employee of the Institute of Zoology 28.11.2023
The next meeting of the scientific seminar was held under the Dissertation Council 27.11.2023
Publihsed the monograph by Ph.D. in Biology Elyana Tahirova dubbed "Freshwater amoebas of the Lankaran natural region (species composition, ecology and zoogeography) 25.11.2023
The junior researcher of the Applied Zoology Center was on a business trip in Bilasuvar region 23.11.2023
Zoologiya İnstitutu əməkdaşının monoqrafiyası çapdan çıxıb
The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held 22.12.2023
Annual reports of scientific-research institutions were discussed at the General Meeting of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences 22.12.2023
Director General of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was awarded with a Letter of Appreciation 19.12.2023
A preliminary discussion of the dissertation was held 18.12.2023
An event was held on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birth of Academician Miresadulla Mirgasimov, the first president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 15.12.2023
The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held 14.12.2023
Employees of the Terresterial Vertebrates Laboratory were on an expedition in the territory of Kyzylaghaj National Park 11.12.2023
Commemoration day of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held at the Institute of Zoology 07.12.2023
An employee of the Institute of Zoology gave an interview to AZERTAC 05.12.2023
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA was carried out 01.12.2023
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA 30.11.2023
Published the monograph of the employee of the Institute of Zoology 28.11.2023
The next meeting of the scientific seminar was held under the Dissertation Council 27.11.2023
Publihsed the monograph by Ph.D. in Biology Elyana Tahirova dubbed "Freshwater amoebas of the Lankaran natural region (species composition, ecology and zoogeography) 25.11.2023
The junior researcher of the Applied Zoology Center was on a business trip in Bilasuvar region 23.11.2023
Zoologiya İnstitutu əməkdaşının monoqrafiyası çapdan çıxıb