Young scientists got acquainted with the construction works of the residential complex for ANAS employees
Warning and gathering coaching was held in the Institute of Zoology of ANAS with the non-militarized Civil Defense gangs
Students of Baku State University are going to practice at the Applied Zoology Center
Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin tələbələri Hidrobiologiya laboratoriyasında istehsalat təcrübəsi keçirlər
Announced the names for nominal awards
To the attention of doctoral and dissertant students!
Free medical examinations of employees of ANAS were held
List of April martyrs included in the National Digital Memory Base
Institute of Geography and Zoology of ANAS is equipped with drone
Central Scientific Library hosts exhibition on 1918 March genocide
Director of High Technologies Park addresses ICT application in agriculture in Russia
The next guest of the "Science and Innovation" program is academician Teymur Bunyadov
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences announces results of republican competition of scientific research programs
Signed an agreement on cooperation between ANAS High Technology Park and Chinese Hua Pei Company
Fruit and vegetable crops were planted in Agsu experimental point of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS
A detailed study is planned to be conducted on bee breeds, their pests and diseases spread throughout the country at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS.

Young scientists got acquainted with the construction works of the residential complex for ANAS employees
Warning and gathering coaching was held in the Institute of Zoology of ANAS with the non-militarized Civil Defense gangs

Students of Baku State University are going to practice at the Applied Zoology Center
Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin tələbələri Hidrobiologiya laboratoriyasında istehsalat təcrübəsi keçirlər

Announced the names for nominal awards

To the attention of doctoral and dissertant students!

Free medical examinations of employees of ANAS were held

List of April martyrs included in the National Digital Memory Base

Institute of Geography and Zoology of ANAS is equipped with drone

Central Scientific Library hosts exhibition on 1918 March genocide

Director of High Technologies Park addresses ICT application in agriculture in Russia

The next guest of the "Science and Innovation" program is academician Teymur Bunyadov

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences announces results of republican competition of scientific research programs

Signed an agreement on cooperation between ANAS High Technology Park and Chinese Hua Pei Company
Fruit and vegetable crops were planted in Agsu experimental point of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS

A detailed study is planned to be conducted on bee breeds, their pests and diseases spread throughout the country at the Institute of Zoology of ANAS.