Zoologiya İnstitutunun Protozologiya laboratoriyasının müdiri İlham Ələkbərova həsr edilmiş biblioqrafik göstərici nəşr olunub 29.05.2024
Employees of MSERA Institute of Zoology participated in the meeting of the Scientific Council held at the Scientific Research Center under the Azerbaijan Medical University 27.05.2024
General Director of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was presented a certificate 07.05.2024
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA was held 06.05.2024
The employees of the Institute of Zoology were awarded with "Certificate of Appreciation" 30.04.2024
Caucasiana journal published the paper of the scientist of MSE Zoology Institute 30.04.2024
MSERA Institute of Zoology and the Azerbaijan Representation of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) will host for an international scientific-practical conference 22.04.2024
Awarded the students of the Bilasuvar Garden-School-High School Complex named after the National Hero of Azerbaijan Mubariz Ibrahimov 18.04.2024
"Scientists of Tomorrow" XIII Republican Competition keeps on 16.04.2024
“Sabahın alimləri” XIII Respublika Müsabiqəsi çərçivəsində təqdimat təşkil edilib 09.04.2024
Employees of the Institute of Zoology were awarded 15.03.2024
Sophomore graduates of BSU, holding a probation at the Institute of Zoology, made a report 26.02.2024
Institute of Zoology held a commemorative event on the 32nd anniversary of the "Khojaly Genocide" 22.02.2024
Director General of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was awarded with a jubilee medal 21.02.2024
The sophomore graduate students of BSU Department of Zoology and Physiology holds probation at the MSE Institute of Zoology 20.02.2024
The employees of MSERA Institute of Zoology were granted the scientific title of Associate Professor
Zoologiya İnstitutunun Protozologiya laboratoriyasının müdiri İlham Ələkbərova həsr edilmiş biblioqrafik göstərici nəşr olunub 29.05.2024
Employees of MSERA Institute of Zoology participated in the meeting of the Scientific Council held at the Scientific Research Center under the Azerbaijan Medical University 27.05.2024
General Director of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was presented a certificate 07.05.2024
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA was held 06.05.2024
The employees of the Institute of Zoology were awarded with "Certificate of Appreciation" 30.04.2024
Caucasiana journal published the paper of the scientist of MSE Zoology Institute 30.04.2024
MSERA Institute of Zoology and the Azerbaijan Representation of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) will host for an international scientific-practical conference 22.04.2024
Awarded the students of the Bilasuvar Garden-School-High School Complex named after the National Hero of Azerbaijan Mubariz Ibrahimov 18.04.2024
"Scientists of Tomorrow" XIII Republican Competition keeps on 16.04.2024
“Sabahın alimləri” XIII Respublika Müsabiqəsi çərçivəsində təqdimat təşkil edilib 09.04.2024
Employees of the Institute of Zoology were awarded 15.03.2024
Sophomore graduates of BSU, holding a probation at the Institute of Zoology, made a report 26.02.2024
Institute of Zoology held a commemorative event on the 32nd anniversary of the "Khojaly Genocide" 22.02.2024
Director General of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was awarded with a jubilee medal 21.02.2024
The sophomore graduate students of BSU Department of Zoology and Physiology holds probation at the MSE Institute of Zoology 20.02.2024
The employees of MSERA Institute of Zoology were granted the scientific title of Associate Professor