Complex soil surveys are carried out through mobile laboratories 30.10.2018
Director of the Institute of Zoology was on a business trip in Russia 23.10.2018
Zoologiya İnstitutu əməkdaşının Dissertasiya Şurasının elmi seminarında dissertasiya işinin müzakirəsi keçirilib 17.10.2018
Employees of the “CHİVY” company of Egypt visited ANAS High Technologies Park 16.10.2018
The employee of the Institute of Zoology participated at the international symposium 08.10.2018
Director of the Institute of Physiology delivered a report at the International Congress 25.09.2018
Azerbaijani scientist delivered a report at an international conference 24.09.2018
Director of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, Elman Yusifov has been in a scientific trip in Orenburg city 20.09.2018
Jubilee Session 18.09.2018
Newspaper “Poisk”: Pomegranate genome. Scientists reveal secrets of ruby kernels 17.09.2018
ANAS marks Day of Knowledge of masters 14.09.2018
The Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry opened an international laboratory 12.09.2018
Construction works are being continued successfully in the "Science City" 11.09.2018
The scientist of the Institute of Microbiology awarded by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 10.09.2018
ANAS to be held an event dedicated to Knowledge Day 10.09.2018
3rd Azerbaijan scientific festival to be held
Complex soil surveys are carried out through mobile laboratories 30.10.2018
Director of the Institute of Zoology was on a business trip in Russia 23.10.2018
Zoologiya İnstitutu əməkdaşının Dissertasiya Şurasının elmi seminarında dissertasiya işinin müzakirəsi keçirilib 17.10.2018
Employees of the “CHİVY” company of Egypt visited ANAS High Technologies Park 16.10.2018
The employee of the Institute of Zoology participated at the international symposium 08.10.2018
Director of the Institute of Physiology delivered a report at the International Congress 25.09.2018
Azerbaijani scientist delivered a report at an international conference 24.09.2018
Director of the Institute of Zoology of ANAS, Elman Yusifov has been in a scientific trip in Orenburg city 20.09.2018
Jubilee Session 18.09.2018
Newspaper “Poisk”: Pomegranate genome. Scientists reveal secrets of ruby kernels 17.09.2018
ANAS marks Day of Knowledge of masters 14.09.2018
The Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry opened an international laboratory 12.09.2018
Construction works are being continued successfully in the "Science City" 11.09.2018
The scientist of the Institute of Microbiology awarded by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences 10.09.2018
ANAS to be held an event dedicated to Knowledge Day 10.09.2018
3rd Azerbaijan scientific festival to be held