AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü İlham Ələkbərov beynəlxalq konfransda iştirak etmişdir 18.09.2024
Zoologiya İnstitutunda elmlər doktoru proqramı üzrə doktorantura və dissertanturaya qəbul komissiyasının iclası keçirildi 10.09.2024
Zoologiya İnstitutunda Fəlsəfə doktoru proqramı üzrə doktoranturaya ixtisas fənnindən qəbul imtahanı keçirildi 19.07.2024
Halyomorpha halys Stal pest on the pomegranate plant recorded by the employees of the Applied Zoology Center of the Institute of Zoology 08.07.2024
Employees of the Polish museum "Upper Silesiana in Bytom" visited Azerbaijan 01.07.2024
MSE RA Institute of Zoology and the Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic named after academician N.P. Laverov of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences signed an agereement 25.06.2024
Institute of Zoology holds Doctoral (minimum) examinations of doctoral students and dissertators 14.06.2024
«Бакинский рабочий» newspaper elucidated the international scientific-practical conference held by the Institute of Zoology 13.06.2024
Institute of Zoology held a meeting dedicated to the Liberation Day 07.06.2024
Institute of Zoology will host for summer session of doctoral exams 05.06.2024
Zoologiya İnstitutunun Protozologiya laboratoriyasının müdiri İlham Ələkbərova həsr edilmiş biblioqrafik göstərici nəşr olunub 29.05.2024
Employees of MSERA Institute of Zoology participated in the meeting of the Scientific Council held at the Scientific Research Center under the Azerbaijan Medical University 27.05.2024
General Director of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was presented a certificate 07.05.2024
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA was held 06.05.2024
The employees of the Institute of Zoology were awarded with "Certificate of Appreciation" 30.04.2024
Caucasiana journal published the paper of the scientist of MSE Zoology Institute
AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü İlham Ələkbərov beynəlxalq konfransda iştirak etmişdir 18.09.2024
Zoologiya İnstitutunda elmlər doktoru proqramı üzrə doktorantura və dissertanturaya qəbul komissiyasının iclası keçirildi 10.09.2024
Zoologiya İnstitutunda Fəlsəfə doktoru proqramı üzrə doktoranturaya ixtisas fənnindən qəbul imtahanı keçirildi 19.07.2024
Halyomorpha halys Stal pest on the pomegranate plant recorded by the employees of the Applied Zoology Center of the Institute of Zoology 08.07.2024
Employees of the Polish museum "Upper Silesiana in Bytom" visited Azerbaijan 01.07.2024
MSE RA Institute of Zoology and the Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic named after academician N.P. Laverov of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences signed an agereement 25.06.2024
Institute of Zoology holds Doctoral (minimum) examinations of doctoral students and dissertators 14.06.2024
«Бакинский рабочий» newspaper elucidated the international scientific-practical conference held by the Institute of Zoology 13.06.2024
Institute of Zoology held a meeting dedicated to the Liberation Day 07.06.2024
Institute of Zoology will host for summer session of doctoral exams 05.06.2024
Zoologiya İnstitutunun Protozologiya laboratoriyasının müdiri İlham Ələkbərova həsr edilmiş biblioqrafik göstərici nəşr olunub 29.05.2024
Employees of MSERA Institute of Zoology participated in the meeting of the Scientific Council held at the Scientific Research Center under the Azerbaijan Medical University 27.05.2024
General Director of the Institute of Zoology, PhD in Agrarian sciences, Assoc. Prof. Aladdin Eyvazov was presented a certificate 07.05.2024
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the State Agency for Science and Higher Education under MSERA was held 06.05.2024
The employees of the Institute of Zoology were awarded with "Certificate of Appreciation" 30.04.2024
Caucasiana journal published the paper of the scientist of MSE Zoology Institute