Announced "Mother tongue - our national wealth" contest
"Mother tongue is our national wealth" contest is announced by President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh’s order dated September 22, 2017 with the purpose of ensuring the use of the Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirements of the time in the conditions of globalization, strengthening the feelings of love and respect for the native language in young scientists, encouraging strict observance of the norms of the literary language in written and oral speech.
The competition can be attended by undergraduates and doctoral students who are currently studying at ANAS.
Within the framework of the event:
- composition on the themes "My Academy", "Why did I choose this specialty", "My native language is my wealth";
- Listening to selected samples of classical and modern Azerbaijani poetry by heart;
- Exposition based on a single reading;
- Testing of knowledge about the life and work of prominent representatives of Azerbaijani literature, culture and science;
- An interview will be organized in connection with the pronunciation and interpretation of dialect words in Azerbaijani language.
The winners of the contest will be awarded with a cash prize in the amount of:
I place - 1 person - 1500 manat;
II place - 2 - person, for each - 1200 manat;
III place - 3 people, for each - 1000 manats.
Those wishing to take part in the contest must register before October 10, 2017, by sending registration form (it is added) and a copy of the identity card to the e-mail address of the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS (dilchi.tehsil@gmail.com).
Phone: (+994 12) 538 19 85