Academician Ibrahim Guliyev delivered a paper at the International conference in Bulgaria
Scientific and Technical Union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy under the patronage of the Bulgaria Ministry of Energy held the International congress on "Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Balkan-Black Sea region" In Varna, Bulgaria.
Vice-President, Director of ANAS Institute of Oil and Gas, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev attended the congress and delivered a report on "Mud volcanoes and hydrocarbon potential of the Caspian-Black Sea region".
Describing the mud volcanism as one of the interesting natural phenomena and important directions in the studies of geological science, scientist noted that, mud volcanoes carry huge information on the depths of the Earth. Their study is connected with the solution of various theoretical and practical questions of geology, geochemistry, geophysics and a number of other natural sciences, clarifying the structure of deep horizons and the physical and chemical processes that take place in them, which is necessary to identify and assess the oil and gas bearing large depths.
Talking about the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan and the adjacent territory of the Caspian, scientist gave a description of this natural phenomenon in the Black Sea basin, surrounding depressions and on the continental slopes.
Academician Ibrahim Guliyev also visited Moscow where he met with the leadership of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and discussed a number of issues, the possibility of participation of Azerbaijani scientists in the projects organized by the Foundation, Russian and in international scientific events held by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.