General meeting of ANAS held
Meeting was attended by head of Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Academic Ramiz Mehdiyev, head of Presidential Administration on Humanitarian Affairs Dr. Physics-math Fatma Abdullazade, State Adisor of the Republic of Azerbaijan on interracial, multiculturalism and religious affairs, Academic Kamal Abdullayev including corresponding and active members of ANAS.
Opening the meeting President of ANAS Academic Akif Alizadeh informed on the issues of agenda. He noted that, within the event will be held elections to active and corresponding membership of ANAS, Vice-President and Academic-Secretaries of ANAS Departments of Social, Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences.
A.Alizade stated that, in accordance with the 5.2 item of Charter of Academy, active members of ANAS are elected from corresponding members of ANAS who are citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, holding wide range of studies on scientific directions, enriching science with new skills and founding well-known schools.
In accordance with the 5.3 item of the Charter of Academy corresponding members of ANAS are elected from citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who having had distinguished merits in science development, and enriching it with precious researches.
Scientist noted that, at the today’s elections participate all 54 active members of ANAS and 94 corresponding members of 95. In 2016, vacant seats have been announced for active and corresponding membership of ANAS. 29 nominees for active membership, 143 nominees for corresponding membership of ANAS submitted documents. In general, total number of nominees from institute and organizations of ANAS is 91, nominees from other universities and enterprise is 81, he added.
A.Alizade stated that, currently, Vice-President position of ANAS hold Academic Dilgam Taghiyev, Academic-Secretary of ANAS of the Department of Social Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova, and Academic-Secretary of ANAS of the Department of Mathematical and Technical Sciences – corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov.
The head of ANAS informed about electoral rules and said that, elections will be carried out in an objective and transparent manner according to modern requirements from legal and technical viewpoint.
Afterwards, the voting was held in the Academy's departments.
Academician-secretary of ANAS Academician Rasim Alguliyev announced voting results on departments of ANAS.
Later on, was created Commission of Election Accounting chaired by Academic Khoshbakht Yusifzade. 16 active and 25 corresponding members were elected to the academy.
According to the results of another voting, Vice-President position of ANAS held by Academic Dilgam Taghiyev, Academic-Secretary of ANAS of the Department of Social Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova, and Academic-Secretary of ANAS of the Department of Mathematical and Technical Sciences – corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov.