Institute of Physiology achieved important physiological results
In 2016, Institute of Physiology after A.I. Garayev has achieved 8 important results, 3 of which are included in the list of scientific achievements of ANAS Department of Biological and Medical Sciences.
Thus, a study in the Physiology of Longevity Laboratory of brain bioelectrical activity of centenarians at rest showed that the functional activity of the cerebral cortex is at a low level.
In addition, studies conducted in the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Naturally Occurring Hero protectors found that the level of follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood of elderly females, falling as a result of the influence of the saffron extract (Crocus sativus L. Iridaceae), approaches the level characteristic of the young organism.
At the Laboratory, the molecular basis of interactive activity using polyclonal antibodies against serotonin of the modulated anticon solidated protein under experimental conditions was achieved an important result of an important applied value in the development of an immunochemical method of correction of drug dependence.
Last year, with the financial support of the Presidium of ANAS, the institute carried out research on the programs "Development of physiological and molecular genetic bases of longevity" and "Investigation of prospects of development and priority directions of stem cell technologies in Azerbaijan".