Institute of Zoology held an event dedicated to "Victory Day"
On November 5, 2024, an event dedicated to November 8 "Victory Day" was held at the MSE Institute of Zoology, jointly organized by the YAP First Party organization and the Women's Council.
The event, which began with the singing of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan, was opened by the Executive Director of the Institute, dDr., Assoc. Prof. Elshad Ahmadov. He said that November 8 is the "Victory Day" inscribed in the history of Azerbaijan with indelible traces, and it is a celebration of the invincible will and great leadership skills of the victorious Commander-in-Chief, fighting determination, bravery, high military-technical, moral-psychological training and professionalism of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces.
Then the chairman of the organization of the "New Azerbaijan Party" of the Institute, Ph.D. Hafiz Mukhtarov emphasized that the Patriotic War, which lasted for 44 days and resulted in a great victory, was written in golden letters in our military history, and said that the determination and will of the Azerbaijani people, economic power, modern army building and people-power unity are important factors that ensure the victory of our country. The people of Azerbaijan, inspired by the rich statehood and military history of our great ancestors, wrote another glorious heroic chronicle, proved to the whole world that they are a victorious nation and won a historic victory over the enemy.
At the event, the Chairman of the Women's Council Yegana Mahmudova, Ph.D., senior researcher of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates, Assoc. Prof. Tahir Karimov, Ph.D., junior researcher of the Parasitology Laboratory, Vusala Safikhanova, gave speeches on Victory Day.
At the end of the event, a video dedicated to "Victory Day" was shown.