Employees of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates of the MSE Institute of Zoology of the Republic of Azerbaijan visited the Kalbajar region on an expedition
Employees of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates of the MSE RA Institute of Zoology PhD Tavakkul Iskandarov and Dr. Tahir Karimov conducted scientific research in Kalbajar region on the reintroduction of rare two-toed mammal species to their historical habitats in the Karabakh territories within the framework of the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" program on June 24-26, 2024.
Due to restore the historic habitats of Bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus)that is one of the rare species of the mammal fauna (Mammalia) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in the freed lands by reintroduction method, observations were made of Bezoar goat habitats - steep hard mountain slopes in Kalbajar region. Visual observations were made in the canyon where Tutguchay meets Tartar, the main habitat of bezoar goats in Kalbajar region, in the cliffs where Mammadsafi, Zar, Kholazak villages meet in the east of Istisu settlement. Interviews were also conducted with shepherds and soldiers in the area. The memory of leaded photo traps has also been studied at some points since last year. Observations have shown that the main densely populated areas of rock goats in the area are the rocky areas around Qamishli Bridge. The goal of the study of rock goats is to determine the areas where goat individuals will be captured and released for reintroduction. Although a numerical increase of the Bezoar goat population has been recorded in the territory of Kalbajar region, its reintroduction in terms of relief in these areas is not considered suitable for the purpose.