2184 Archive


Employees of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates visited Kalbajar region on an expedition

Employees of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates -  PhD Tavakkul Iskandarov and a researcher Elshad Askerov visited Kalbajar region on June 24-26, 2024, regarding the reintroduction of the Bezoar goat (Capra aegagrus) to its historical range in the Karabakh territories within the framework of the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" program. Visual observations were made on the steep, hard mountain slopes where the Bezoar goat lives, in the canyon where Tutguchay meets Tartar, and on the rocks where Mammadsafi, Zar, Kholazak villages meet in the east of Istisu settlement. Observations have indicated that the main densely populated areas of rock goats in the area are the rocky areas around Gamishli Bridge. Although observations show an increase in numbers of Bezoar goats in Kalbajar, it is not considered appropriate to capture individuals from these areas for reintroduction.