1555 Archive


Employees of the Polish museum "Upper Silesiana in Bytom" visited Azerbaijan

Rland Dobosz, Andrzej Lason and Lukasz Matuszewski,  the employees of the Polish museum "Upper Silesiana in Bytom" visited Azerbaijan, from June 21 to July 5. The guests first met with Ilhama Karimova, Ph.D. in Biology, Associate Professor, a leading researcher of the Terrestrial Invertebrates Laboratory of MSE RA Institute of Zoology, and joint research plans were discussed. Under agreement obtained in advance from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the guests conducted scientific research in Hirkan and Shirvan National Parks. Roland Dobozs is an expert on Neuroptera, Andrzej Lason on Coleoptera and Lukasz Matuszewski on Lepidoptera. Research results will be reflected in scientific articles to be published in international journals indexed in SCOPUS and WOS databases together with Azerbaijani scientists.